Title: Cruel but Necessary Truth
Author: meixuan
Rating: Cheesy for the Barney songs.
Sypnosis: Kennard and meixuan watches Barney.
There was a clique gathering scheduled at meixuan’s house, but other than Kennard, everyone else was late. Songen was still doing his 10year series, Benji has collapsed from over-exposing himself to econs and jiaqi overslept.
While waiting for the others to arrive, meixuan and Kennard watched TV in her living room. They were channel-hopping until they saw Barney on Disney Playhouse.
“I haven’t watch Barney in such a long time…” recalls Kennard nostalgically.
“We can watch it now if you want. But there’s only 7minutes of the show left,” says meixuan.
“It’s alright. 7minutes is enough to bring back all the childhood memories.” Replies Kennard.
“ha-ha-ha, he-he-he, com’on get silly and laugh with me! Giggle gaggle wiggle waggle ho-ho-ho when you’re feeling happy, let it show…” sings Barney and friends on TV.
“Their songs are pretty catchy huh. Barney’s gonna start singing his classic ending anytime soon” Meixuan comments after 5minutes.
“It was a fun day for all of us! Of course, everyday can be fun if you spend it with people you love…”
Chirps Barney as his classic ending music starts playing in the background.
“Yup here goes,” and to meixuan’s surprise, Kennard starts singing along to it. “I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you…” Turning to look at meixuan, “won’t you say you love me too?”
“Yeah sure,” meixuan says without thinking.
“Really?” Kennard asks hopefully.
“Yeah I…”
“I… was just joking! Oh for god’s sake and you believed me?” Exclaimed meixuan.
“Yeah, I did…” says Kennard, suddenly looking sad and disappointed.
Meixuan started feeling guilty. She knew that look. The look that says “I just wanna feel loved but im obviously unloved =(”
“Oh fine, fine! I love you, but only as a friend.” says meixuan, exasperated.
“Really? YAY!” Kennard cheers up.
“Only as a friend,” meixuan repeated herself, “because you know I don’t like fat guys.”
“Yeah yeah”
Meixuan knew she was being cruel, but she felt that it was something that needs to be said. She didn’t want anybody, including Kennard, to over-think their relationship. Kennard was a dear friend, and she loved him, truly, but only as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
The End.